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The Hose Hive

I can't bear the sight of an ugly plastic hose. So this is what I did instead!

Gardens and patios take some work to look pretty. So why do we go an ruin it with a bright green, plastic hose piled high? Several years ago, I stumbled on this adorable bee hive hose holder and never looked at an ugly hose again. These are a hit and a conversation starter. Whenever I have guests to my patio, somebody always asks. I posted it for IG for the first time, and even though it sounds so cringey to say, a few people asked about it!

I'm so sad it isn't available anymore, sorry! But I've searched for a few fun ones to share instead.

These can get pricey fast, so I've tried to narrow it down to the best prices I could find while still being cute and cool. A tougher task than it might seem, trust me.

I couldn't find any bees, but was able to hunt down some whimsical flowers, hammered metal and even a vintage-looking frog. I think the key is to find one with a cover, as it keeps the hose hidden from sight but also from bugs, rain and general outdoor goo.

In case you're interested, the links for each are below. (these are not sponsored, are not affiliate links and I have no investment in any of them. I haven't used them, but wanted to share as possibilities for those asking!) I put mine in the shed during the winter, but it seems like some of these could stay out all year. Just remember to turn the water off!

Blue and White Floral - 50% off! $109.97

Friendly Frog with Hinged Lid - $71.99

Metal with Terracotta Floral Finish - $71.35

Hammered Metal - Bronze-Look $145.96

Charcoal Colored Stone Look - $181.09

And if you're wondering, I don't like to fight with coiling up normal hoses. This expandable hose was nothing less than life changing. I know it sounds dramatic, but it's true. I don't hesitate to grab the hose for small jobs, big jobs, washing the dog, extra water, whatever. It's lightweight and goes away without any wrestling. A chore made easy? Yes please.

You can find these at many retailers in store and online. This is mine: 1oo Feet of Expandable Hose That Will Change Your Life
I've had it for two years. I got the 100 foot one, but you can get it in all different lenghts. The key is to turn off the water a few minutes before you're done. Then, you keep spraying to empty the hose. As it empties, it contracts on it's own. Then you put it away without any struggle. Can you tell I love this hose?

Happy house stuff!

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